Sunday, June 19, 2011

Future Planets Start to End

Chapter 1 Planet Tamen. Planet Tamen a 2nd Sister of earth execpt its 10 times the bigger as the sun and they have never met.  With Tamen so big it can destroy the sun in minutes. Population of zombies is 400,823,912 What the f&$k is with the zombies? Well glad you asked! astronauts from all over come here but when they hit the  the sky they boom boom and get burried.
Chapter 2 Planet X. what is this blue,black,grey planet Doing looking like a star? well planet niburu,Planet X, Or super nova is the name. Most likely Super nova This thing is also called the moon or the doomsday device.Why? well as we know it for thousands of years planet X  was roaming in our solar system before man kind this very piece of rock almost hit us. But thanks to our moon it swiped it out and  planet X was never got seened until now. Now its older its greener and less pointy why? well remember The moon swiped it out get it?
Chapter 3 planet tlar (Ta Lar) What is this Green moldy gassy planet doing in our 1st galaxy with life? Well as we know it the gas is from the inside of the planet
See those tiny gas dots? well those turn HUGE The black base is the sperms of the particles once turned into those little tiny cute gas dots The life cycle is right here!
First spot is the Sperm 2nd spot is the baby 3rd spot is the Larva Gas 4th spot is Shield Larva Gas then the 5th spot is the Adult Gas. I know my science don't you? Ok on Tlar There is all kinds of crazy living things accept only dummer things Jumping boxes, Flying chickpees, Zombies, Flying Gas.How is this possible if there is no water on this very planet? Talk to the gas.             

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